Saturday, April 7, 2007

The Beginning

I do not presume that my life adventures will be any more interesting than those of my peers and colleagues but I have two thoughts regarding this blog. First, we learn from each other. I am currently in a transition stage of my life finding solid footing after graduating from the University of Denver in order to make the next leap: med school. Although I wish I had all the answers, having two degrees and a diversity of experiences; my post-graduate existence has emphasized how much I have left to learn both academically and existentially. Sharing our stories is a great way to learn and grow; to collaborate with others (our friends and family); and to communicate. Second, there is something strangely comforting to having a forum that is literally a blank page, private but not secret, personal but accessible to the world.

I come from a family of story tellers and I hope hints of their art of rhetoric enter into my ramblings. I do not promise a beginning, middle, and end- a true story is seldom that linear- the end product will be more like a portrait: a collage of my thoughts and observations that represent only brief moments in time yet capture and preserve an identity of its own. Despite these lofty ambitions, the emphasis of this narration is on daily events, deliberations, questions, failures and triumphs. Its success measured based on longevity over eloquence. Those who know me, cross your fingers that this endeavor becomes an outlet and prism through which to process events and share stories rather than a tool of procrastination.

1 comment:

Ryan Marks said...

One word - wicked (and that's a word I've picked up from my Australian friends). Can't wait to read more...